During our study of China under the rule of Mao, I noticed he had many similarities to Stalin and the tactics Stalin used while in power. A few of the similarities and differences between the two men and their tactics are listed below.
Qualities/conditions only belonging to Stalin
· 25 million people died
· The Five Year Plan (Stalin’s five year plan)
· Pro communism actions if not necessarily ideals
· People re-educated in gulags
· Shot the sailors who argued for democracy
· 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953
Qualities/conditions belonging to both Stalin and Mao
· Millions died because of them
· A five year plan
o Both plans failed, to varying degrees
· Pro communism
· Thought of as heroes at the time
· Cult personality
o Songs written praising them, etc
· Knocked off political opposition and people who protested too loudly
· Sent people off for ‘re-education’ via hard labor
· Supported in their efforts by armed forces and terror
· Communal farms
· Their lifetimes overlap between 1893 and 1953.
· Revolution requires violence
· Everyone encouraged to turn ‘traitors’/non-believers in, even friends and family
Qualities/Conditions only belonging to Mao
· 15 million people killed
· The Great Leap Forward (Mao’s five year plan)
· Pro strict communism
· Wrote his own book and told everyone to use it to answer any questions
o The Little Red Book sounds like it was treated almost religiously
· People wrote song and dance numbers praising him
· People re-educated working farms in the country
· Involved the children and people via bug and sparrow catching
· December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976
It is very interesting exactly how many similarities exist between the two of them. They seem to have had similar view on revolution and violence, and were equally talented at inspiring love in the people. Their lifetimes overlapped by a total of sixty years, and they may well have been influencing each other, one way or the other, as early as 1918. Did the rising of one of these men inspire the rise of the other?